The Benefits of Regularly Boiler Maintenance, And Why You Must Make Sure You Have a Carbon Monoxide Detector Fitted
Keeping your home and your family is paramount. A faulty boiler can be extremely dangerous because it could lead to gas leaks and dangerous fires. A faulty boiler could be emitting carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a tasteless, colourless, and odourless poisonous gas that can kill. This means that it is hard to detect its presence, making it hard for people to be aware when they are being poisoned.
Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
A few home appliances and installations could lead to carbon monoxide poisoning, including hot water heaters, furnaces, grills, room heaters, stoves, and fireplaces.
These products use a number of combustible elements like charcoal, gasoline, kerosene, propane, and wood to produce energy or heat—a potential source of CO when not installed properly.
Since CO does not have a smell or taste, there could already be a buildup in one’s home with the occupants none the wiser. It also does not help that the symptoms of CO poisoning resemble that of flu, viral infections, or food poisoning.
If you or your family feel a combination of these symptoms, make sure to seek medical care urgently:
- Dizziness, nausea, vomiting
- Headaches
- Breathlessness, chest pains
- A general feeling of tiredness
- Stomach pain
- Visual problems
- Erratic behavior
- Loss of consciousness
A blood or breath test can determine the presence of CO in the body. However, a test may come back negative if about four hours have passed since the exposure.
Therefore, it’s vital to have your boiler repaired as soon as you know and carry out the recommended manufacturer's boiler annual services so as to catch such faults early and any other. You will have peace of mind knowing that your boiler is running smoothly and you’re safe.
Installing CO detectors
This is, by far, the best step you can take to make sure your home or office is free from carbon monoxide. A carbon monoxide detector would alert you if the CO level in the room has reached dangerous levels, prompting you to evacuate.
Prolonged Boiler Life
A Hub Heating we believe that serviced and well-maintained gas boiler, compared to one that has not been serviced, is more likely to have a longer lifespan. Regular check-ups and servicing by a professional Gas Safe engineer will not only ensure that your boiler is running smoothly and efficiently but as mentioned; will help identify and address minor faults, increasing your boiler’s lifespan. The average lifespan of a boiler is between 10 to 15 years; however, with careful and regular servicing, your boiler can operate for more years.
What to do if you smell gas?
Fuel oil odor has a sharp smell that makes it noticeable, prompting you to check on your boiler. Despite the type of odor, it is important to seek help from boiler technicians. You must never ignore signs of a gas leak, if you smell gas you must call immediately your service provider in London.
Saves You Shivers
It is prudent to have your annual boiler check-up before the colder months. There’s nothing as stressful as trying to get your boiler working in the autumn only to discover that it has an issue or, worst case scenario, broken. Your home will become unbearable to live because of the cold and dampness. Further, individuals in such a household are at risk of developing hypothermia, a medical condition in which one’s body loses more heat than it generates. Hypothermia symptoms include; shivering, irritability and, in extreme cases, loss of consciousness.
Having your boiler checked and keeping it healthy for winter ensures your family is safe and warm. Also, the service will help reduce expenses because you won’t incur the expense of increased fuel usage as a result of an undiscovered fault. Annual servicing will ensure that the boiler keeps running despite the weather.
Seek advice from an experienced boiler repair & service engineer in London sooner than later to save money
It’s important to be aware of the signs of a faulty boiler and be on the lookout for them and keep your boiler well maintained. Addressing the faults the earlier the better, with the help of professional boiler services. For those seeking to install a new boiler in London speak to Hub Heating a professional boiler installation specialist to get free advice and find out what works for your household.